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Hall Acura Virginia Beach

What to Expect at an Indoor Cycling or Spinning Class

You’ve probably seen an indoor cycling class while at the gym – a group of men and women clustered together in a room furiously pedaling or “spinning” on stationary bikes. While the class looks intriguing, you might be wondering if it takes a special kind of crazy to voluntarily join it.

But here’s the secret – a typical 40-minute indoor spinning class can burn up to 600 calories. Not so crazy now, are they?

Yes, indoor spinning classes, which were started in 1989, are intense. They’re a combination of speed and endurance training that provides a challenging cardio workout. Special bikes are used to focus on two aspects – cadence (or the frequency of pedaling) and resistance, which is controlled by a knob at the front of the bike. By varying both of these, spinners or riders can simulate different types of terrain – like hill climbing, flat roads, etc. A certified instructor will lead you through the routine, which usually lasts 40-50 minutes.

Before you head into your first spinning class, you’ll want to make sure you have towels – one to wipe the sweat and another to help you hold on to the handlebars. Make sure you bring a bottle of water or a sports drink so you’ll stay hydrated throughout the class. Wearing the right shoes is also important. You’ll want to have a shoe that sits low on the ankle for maximum performance and comfort. For attire, wear sweat-wicking material that’s lightweight and breathable.

Because you’re a beginner, you’ll want to arrive to class early to get the lay of the land, so to speak. You’ll need to set up your bike, which the instructor can help show you how to do. You’ll also need to set the height of your seat. You want to adjust the seat so that your knees aren’t straight or bent at more than a 10-15 degree angle.

These classes are one of the most popular forms of group exercise. The spinning room can have as little as 12 bikes to as many as 30. Many people find group exercise classes motivating and fun, and it doesn’t hurt to know there are other people suffering along with you. In the same sense, it can also be motivating if there are competitive or overly excitable or ambitious people in the class.

If you’re looking for a new workout regime or just want to kick things up a notch, it’s worth trying a spinning class. The 600 calories you’ll burn in the single class alone is a good enough motivator. And who knows, you might be one of those crazy people who actually enjoys it. Stranger things have happened, right?